About TG

Like you, I’m not one thing. I’m a writer, an engineer, a wife, and a mother. What is first on the list depends on the day. Beyond the title I claim, I’m a person who loves learning and thoroughly enjoys a good puzzle, is creative and gets bored easily. Hence the creation of the world you see through my website.

I have always loved puzzles. It doesn’t matter the form. This is why I was attracted to engineering. Engineers solve problems, where “problem” is just a fancy word for puzzle. Why is there sewage in the river? How come the wall fell down? I love the words WHY, HOW, and WHAT IF. After 25+ years as an engineer, I still love going to work each day.

Mysteries were the first genre I read because I wanted to read. I should be embarrassed to say this, but I did not finish a book throughout my entire school education. It wasn’t until I found something able to hold my attention that I began to read voraciously. I still read very narrowly. Mysteries. Romantic Suspense. Paranormal (who doesn’t love a good vampire story?!)

My writing days started while I was living in Cleveland, Ohio and working in Northern Kentucky. It was a five-hour drive to my project site with little in between to keep my attention. I began creating small puzzles involving people. These scenes began to build on themselves until I had a mystery. Then I layered in all of the insanity that comes with life. Crazy parents. Quirky friends. You know, the usual. The results were books that challenge while they entertain. And that’s what it’s really all about. I started writing to entertain myself and still write this way. I figure, if it entertains me, it’ll entertain you. And, conversely, if it bores me, it will bore you.

Now that you know a little about me, tell me about you. What do you like in a mystery? What makes you curious? Do you have favorite authors or stories I should try? You can find me here:

Email: tina at tgwolff dot com

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